
Mightstone uses Beanie as storage backend. This implies that you need to setup beanie backend before any instance of MightstoneDocument is created.

beanie.exceptions.CollectionWasNotInitialized exception are raised as soon as a MightstoneDocument class is instanced before init_beanie is called. Please check Beanie Documentation to learn more.

Manual setup

If you wish to use base object, you’ll need to initialize beanie.

import asyncio

from beanie import init_beanie

# from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
from beanita import Client

from mightstone.core import get_documents
from import Card, Scryfall

async def run():
    # client = AsyncIOMotorClient("mongodb://user:pass@host:27017")
    client = Client()

    models = [Card]  # or mightstone.core.get_documents()
    # Initialize beanie with the Product document class and a database
    await init_beanie(database=client.my_database, document_models=models)

    scryfall = Scryfall()
    random = await scryfall.random_async()


    count = await Card.find().count()
    print(f"I now have {count} card in my database")